Book Trailer for Pilikia

Friday, February 12, 2010

Word verification

I really like it when people comment on my posts. However, lately, I have been receiving a lot of spam postings from what I suspect are robots. So I have changed the settings on this blog so that word verification will be required. I really hate to do that because I don't like those things. It always takes me two or three tries to get the word right. However, I don't see any other options. This is not directed at you kind people who have posted insightful comments. I hope it won't discourage you from posting. If you are a robot, however, this is directed at you. So readers, please be bear with me on the word notification. It seems to be the only way to stop these pesky bots.


  1. mybillcrider said...

    Even that won't stop them completely. They're very persistent.

  2. Kevin R. Tipple said...

    I went to moderating the comments on my blog to solve the spamming problem. I noticed you were getting spammed and was just about to write you about it. Ava wouldn't have waited so long. :)))

  3. Lillie Ammann said...


    I hate the word verification but hate spam more. I moderate comments, and it takes a lot of time.

  4. Helen Ginger said...

    I'm with you, I don't like the spam moderation with the squiggly letters, but I totally understand why you've added them. Spam is such an annoyance, and I can't see the value these bots gain by spamming.

    Straight From Hel